Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Lake Louise

Ok, I'll do Lake Louise tonight, too.  There just aren't good words to describe this part of the world.  It's just amazing.  This is Lake Louise.
 This shot shows the water color much better.  It's just so beautiful!
 Here is the world famous (well, our world, anyway) Chateau Lake Louise.  I thought the Banff Springs was much more grande, but the lake here makes this the spot of choice.  We didn't stay here - super expensive!  But we were close enough to come back for a second visit.
 This is the glacier above the lake that feeds it, and causes it to be the color it is.  Back in the day, mountaineers would hike this mountain and stay in a little shack on the top of the ridge on the left side of this picture.  Someone hauled the stuff up the mountain to build that shack.  Some people are just crazy.
 We hiked up to a lookout and were worried that we wouldn't make it before sundown, so we hiked fast.  That's why we look a sweaty mess.  The people who took our picture here were from Taiwan, both professors at the University of Taiwan, and we had a nice chat with them while we caught our breath.
 View of the hotel from the lookout.
 The next day, after we walked on a glacier, we went back to Lake Louise to canoe on the lake.  It was cloudy and started to rain near the end of our rental, so it was really fun!
 From the other side of the lake, looking back toward the Chateau. 
 Mark was there, too.  Since I was in front of the canoe and didn't want to be the reason it tipped, I couldn't quite get turned around enough to take a good picture.  But it's Mark.  We all know that he is the handsomest man in my whole family. 


blauritz said...

Brings back some very fond memories. Too bad there wasn't 8 inhes of slushy ice on the lake, then it would have been just like when we were there in Jun 1964.
The lodge is still amazing.
Now you also know how small the lake really is. It doesn't take very long to paddle to the far end of the lake and back, does it?

Holly Emerson said...

Wow! I really need to go there.